Like any major battle, there are numerous heroes who's contribution and dedication towards the realisation of a common struggle or belief are sometimes not known to the public; here's another one I found at

"Amri, it was an honour to walk with you." - Haris
* If the picture does not appear, click on
Lagi malu aku. I take my hat off.
salam cakapaje,
saya pun malu jugak. macam saya pernah beritahu kerp, kaki ni sempurna tapi tak terlangkah jugak.
inshaAllah, this will definitely give me semangat for the next one.
Cikgu dan Puan, tidak ada niat di hati saya untuk memalukan sesiapa. Jika ianya berlaku, saya memohon maaf perkara itu.
Sebenarnya, saya sendiri malu dengan Amri dan beberapa lagi sahabat yang berkerusi roda sewaktu 10-Eleven! Selama ini saya memikirkan kaki kiri saya yang cacat sedikit merupakan seksaan pada diri, namun terbukti lebih ramai yang keadaan mereka lebih mulia.
Gambar Amri saya letakkan ini adalah untuk membakar diri saya sendiri untuk lebih gigih dalam perjuangan.
Sekali lagi saya memohon maaf.
Salam shah:
Amri is one gutsy guy. Wa tabik spring sama Amri.
If only the Pemuda and Putera UMNO guys saw Amri that day, they'll run with their tails celah kangkang.
whoaa..thats one heck of gutsy MAN there in that very pic. he may not be physically perfect but spiritually he can shake the world. hats off!
Saya tak kenal siapa Amri tapi semangatnya patut menjadi contoh kepada kita semua.
Syabas Amri!
Dear Sir, thank you for always visiting, and trying to cheer me up with your comments. It's starting to become one of the few things I look forward to everyday.
Macam orang lain, saya juga malu. Selalu marah, selalu tak puas hati, selalu rasa incapable. Tapi apa alasan saya? Who the hell are we to think our problems are greater than others', who the hell are we to use anything at all as an excuse?
Guy IS a hero.
No offence taken. I was saying it to myself. Thanx for the pics anyway and keep them coming.
Ye laar bro'. No leg but helluva lot of balls!
Exercise for a good cause, bro'. Lugging 2-3 kg vidcam around. Accesories lagi. Mind telling me you shoot with Pana or Sony for the webTV. Which model, bro'? Keep 'em comin'!
Salam Doc,
Hehe, you wrote "If only the Pemuda and Putera UMNO guys saw Amri that day, they'll run with their tails celah kangkang."
But its only because they lost both balls! :) Isk! Jahat I ni! lol!
Salam kerp,
Yup! And he's picture is now being posted around in many egroups by Rozmal Malakan from Negeri Sembilan.
Salam Pak Kassim,
Alhamdulillah, singgah juga Pak ke blog saya ye :) Saya terpaksa mohon maaf kerana tidak dapat selalu menziarah kerana PC saya - hadiah dari harakah - memory dia tak sebanyak mana dan selalu bermasalah.
Mengenai Amri tu, benar! Semoga dia membakar semangat kita lagi, insyAllah!
Thank you :) Tapi risau gak memula tu.
Salam Siti,
Hope I was able to cheer you...I can be whacky when in the mood lah :)
Salam matsalo,
Bro, I'm technically blind as a bat in daylight - think its a Panasonic. We have 2 and I always get the older one. I don't mind 'cause takut gak kalau tetiba rosak! Scarry thought there!
Luckily, we don't lug the accessories around when unnecessary. Though waktu kat Ijok voting day, I had to - believe it or not - carry a stepladder (tangga!) as one of the accessories! Hahaha! Cam pi perang guna the old PIAT tembak M1Abrams!
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