Wednesday, February 04, 2009

A Feast

Last Monday, I took Emak for a drive down to Melaka for a family matter or two. Since it was an overnight trip, I took the opportunity to call Doc TA for a possible meet. Being the kind and accommodating Doc he is, he obliged and meet we did that night at Medan Anjung Batu, Serkam, which is just a stone throw away from the seafood stalls I know. Still, the food was great. I mean, no matter how its cooked, a seafood dish still taste just as good as any. But while that maybe true, the amount and variety can be totally different. only regret now is not having a camera on hand that night.

Anyway, since akak was down with fever, Doc came alone and soon led Emak and I to a table. Soon as the niceties were dispensed with, Doc and I went to the counter where, well, like most men, ordered to our hearts' fill. And while waiting for the cook to whip up the dishes, we had some lovely otak-otak for starters. When the dishes came...oolala! There were buttered prawns, fried squids, lala buloh (bamboo scallops? - first time I had any), jenahak, tuka (baby ray), and nasi lemak bungkus to accompany those delicious mouth-watering, cholestrol rich food. By the time we were done, we came to realise that there were still more than half of the food on the table! But we were full already, thus Doc had those extras packed for him to take back home. If ever I had previously dreamt of a seafood feast, this was certainly it. Honestly, I cannot remember the last time I had so much food before.

There is, however, another kind of feast which now has yours truly seething with anger.

As many would have known by now, the thievering and immoral be-end has announced themselves as the new Perak State Government. This, despite the fact that the Sultan has yet to announce his decree to accept the PR's request to absolve the State Assembly, making way for a State Election. And knowing those mongrels waiting at the gates, some would already have begun their celebration.

Its totally disgusting, actually. When that Bota assemblyman announced his defection to PR, Dolah said that he was an immoral man, betraying the trust of those who elected him. Well, look who is immoral now? Say Dolah (and Najib), how does the spit taste?

Personally to me, those PR assemblymen and woman who defected are worse than the mongrels whom they answer calls to now, especially the 2 who are still facing corruption charges. Perhaps its better for them to join the sarkas, seeing that latter is a sewerage plant of corruption, but one that does not cleanse rather, defecate the environment even more. So, let those 2 swim and sink with the filth they are. But the biggest filth dispenser must be SPR. Let me try to put it in layman's term.

The duty of a postman is to deliver mails, even to a house without occupant. The postman cannot use his discretion not to deliver mails to the seemingly empty house, because he is not empowered to do so. If ever the owner of the house would like the Post Office to hold all mails for some reasons, he would need to write to the Post Master, who would only then, upon receiving such request, instructs his office to hold all mails addressed to that particular house.

In the 2 cases of the 2 PR Assemblymen whom the Speaker of the House had announced their resignations from their respective seats, the SPR is acting outside its boundaries when it judged that those seats have not been vacated, when they - the SPR - are not empowered to judge, but only to administer; the power to judge the validity of the resignation letters and or the seats lies with the courts. So here, the SPR is clearly in the wrong. And they know they are in the wrong. So, who was it that said the SPR is not a stooge for be end, namely the sarkas? For those who have worked on ground level especially during election - by or general - they know how SPR stinks like a skunk. Only the naive and fools believe that SPR is impartial and abides to its role. They are just bulls with rings in their nose, waiting for sarkas to tug them whenever, wherever, it pleases. But a bull is tough creature and does offer some form of resistance. Thus here, SPR is nothing but a lame duck, a creature that likes to waddle in cesspool.

Go ahead, have your feast, your celebration. For today, is the day for dogs such as you are.

Below, is a Media Statement by YAB IR Nizar, the true MB for Perak, taken from Cina Islam:

Terkini : Kenyataan Akbar MB Perak .

IPOH, 4 Feb ;- Saya telah meyembahkan permohonan kepada Sultan melalui peruntukan undang-undang yang ada sebagai " leader of the house", namun saya fikir apa-apa yang diperlukan oleh Sultan maka Sultan ambil masa dan menagguhkan keputusannya. Demikian antara kenyataan YAB Menteri Besar Perak, Ir. Muhammad Nizar Jamaluddin dalam sidang akhbar di Pejabat PAS Perak di sini.

"saya akan menjalankan tugas seperti biasa sebagai Menteri Besar" tegas Ir. Nizar.

Ir. Nizar menyifatkan UMNO cuba merampas hak rakyat, dan memohon sekiranya berlaku Piliharaya supaya rakyat memberi majoriti yang besar kepada Pakatan Rakyat.

"Saya akan akur kepada apa saja keputusan Taunku, dan perbincangan dengan Tuanku cukup baik dan Baginda ada membacakan ayat Al Quran 'Sesungguh Allah bersama orang yang sabar' " Jelas Nizar.

Ditanya mengenai ADUN Bota, Nasaruddin Hashim yang telah menyeberang kembali kepada BN, Nizar mengatakan ini adalah satu konspirasi yang besar. Jika sekiranya ada unsur paksaan itu adalah satu penainayaan kepada Nasaruddin dan orang Bota.

"Kita sekarang adalah kerajaan minoriti dan saya berharap tidak ada huru-hara dan sebagainya" jelas Nizar.


ps. I guess it would not be far wrong to liken be end, namely sarkas, to the illegal entity Israel. Both, when the people voted against their favour, punish the people for doing so. - cakapaje


mem-Besar said...

They are hopeless bunch of people!! Tak tau lah saya, kalau ada lagi rakyat Perak yg nak mengundi BN kalau diadakan pilihan raya lagi .. 3 orang tu memang tak layak langsung jadi pemimpin .. no backbone!!

Anonymous said...

Salam Shah,

Lama tak komen. i've been looking at the herald issue lately. excellent comments by tehsin, apocryphalist, deminegara and others.

i'm very glad muslims are beginning to be more assertive in blogoshere.

as regards perak, i'm with you here bro. like you say, the sec cannot decide on the resignation, only the courts can.

and legal issues aside, logically speaking pun susah: in order for someone to withdraw his resignation, he must have resigned first. you cannot withdraw an action when that action hasn't happened. so, if the sec accepts the second letter (withdrawal), they must also accept the first letter (resignation). tak tau lah...

when will our politicians and politics get on a higher level?. we cannot be doing raw politics like this lompat-melompat thing anymore. we must get more sophisticated. sogok-menyogok ni berhentikanlah.

it's getting to be a year now. they are still politicking. they're still pre-occupied with bringing the other guy down instead of concentrating on governance. bn should accept the results and get one with the job of governing the country and let pr run their own states. argue four years from now. in the meantime, they should do what they think is best for their rakyats.

ok, end of rant :)

ps, i prefer kueh keria to donuts anytime. lama tak poi serkam. harga naik ke shah?

cakapaje said...

Salam mem-Besar,

Betul bak kata mem. Tapi bukan sekadar 3 ekoq tu je, hampir keseluruhan yang dalam kepimpinan sarkas tak layak. Menipu, membelot, mencuri dan memfitnah. Belum lagi masuk jenayah lain seperti kaki botol, berjudi dan pantang tengok dahi licin...

Malangnya, masih ada rakyat yang tertipu kerana media perdana dipegang pengkhianat tersebut.

cakapaje said...

Wa'alaikumusalam Cap'n,

Glad to have you aboard again :)

Have not had the chance to check on them yet, but insyAllah, will do tomorrow.

Cap'n, that a very good point you brought up, your "and legal issues aside, logically speaking pun susah: in order for someone to withdraw his resignation, he must have resigned first. you cannot withdraw an action when that action hasn't happened. so, if the sec accepts the second letter (withdrawal), they must also accept the first letter (resignation). tak tau lah...". Now, only if numbskulls like those sarkas people can understand this. But then, to understand it, they need to learn to read first, which unfortunately, being the savages they are, they can't.

Oh! Sarkam was good! But I honestly can't say much for the prices as Doc TA took the tab :) And except for the bavarian doughnut, I too prefer keria.

hegira said...

salam abg shah.

pastikan setip rakyat ingat namanama adunadun yang korup ini.

dan si naj itu sangat desperate ya mahu jadi ketua negara sehingga sanggup buat apa saja.


CelloTape said...

Salam Bro!

Nasip pixe for the food kalau tidak rosak lah my diet...hahaha Election...jangan lah BN tu ambil Perak...

ni suara rakyat pasal hal ni :

cakapaje said...

Wa'alaikumusalam Alina,

InsyAllah, kalau kita bekerjasama, mala'un mala'un yang dimaksudkan itu dapat dihapuskan dari mukabumi ini.

cakapaje said...

Wa'alaikumusalam Cello,

Hehe, sekali lagi nanti, den letak gambar makanan bebanyak banyak :)

And thank you for link to DYMM Sultan Perak.

CelloTape said...

Terkini From Perak Express...

Najib dijadualkan akan membuat taklimat ringkas pada tghari ini tentang perkembangan perjumpaan beliau dengan Tuanku Sultan Perak.

Najib keluar dengan senyum panjang lebar.

...Jangannnnnn lahhhhh...uwaaaaaaaaa

CelloTape said...

Update lagi...

Now Ir. Nizar menghadap Sultan...

Adehhh...sorry bro tempat update pula...


rerama salju said...

Salam CA,
Wah..banyak saya dapat kumpul malumat disini...but sorry to say saya makin celaru tengok senario politik tanahair sekarang ni...Oh,Malaysiaku tercinta!!!

p/s:I pun pi SErkam CNY aritu,kalau janji blh jumpakan?

cakapaje said...


Terima kasih bebanyak kerana sudi update; maaf, lewat balas. Lagi banyak update, lagi saya suka Cello. Semoga Allah s.w.t. membalas dengan seribu rahmat.

cakapaje said...

Wa'alaikumusalam rs,

Kalau benar mencintai Malaysia, maka harus bersama menentang pengkhianat yang bermaharajalela dengan korupsi mereka. Kalau tidak, fikirkan anak kita yang akan terpaksa hidup dalam keadaan yang lebih teruk lagi di masa hadapan.

hegira said...

semalam dapat tengok bagaimana rakyat bersuara dan apakah yang rakyat mahu. suarasuara kuat sangat di ipoh. semua pledge setia pada mb nizar.

saya sangat kagum dengan orang ipoh.

sebab bangsa cina boleh berkata 'fi sabillillah' dan mereka juga mengamimkan doa ustaz ahmad bersamasama bangsa lain.

tidak ada rasis. hanya perjuangan.

tokasid said...

Salam Shah.

Alhamdulillah we had a nice seafood dinner.What we got can actually fed Kerp,Che'gu ,Muteaudio and Mat Salo too.

The buttered prawns and tuka bakau was really good. The left overs that I took home,took us 2 days to finished them.

It was nice meeting your mom. No wonder dia ada anak jantan yg berbudi bahasa.Ehem....

Over to Perak: I think the istana should allow the rakyat to give a fresh mandate to whichever groups the rakyat like better.

If that is done given, I suggest(in my posting) that from GE 13 onwards, let the Malay rulers cpick up who they want as their MB or PM.Why waste ourtime campaigning and voting when we know penyamun will rob us in broadday light?

cakapaje said...


InsyAllah, kemenangan akan memihak kepada yang benar jua akhirnya. Bagi setiap musibah, ada hikmatnya.

cakapaje said...

Wa'alaikumusalam Doc,

Hehe...terkembang jap pipi den baca ;) Doc, terima kasih sekali lagi for the beautiful dinner.

About Perak, hmm...betul gak tu. Jap, den menyeberang kek sana.

Saya... said...

Salam Shah...

Aiseyman...seriously, why is PR jumping around when DSAI wanted to play dirty in the first place? Sekarang dia nak "boo hoo hoo"?

Get rid of that man lah...PR pun dua kali lima jadi sepuluh as I see it...terrible lah.

BTW, sodapnye menu tu...nak pi terkam serkam gak lah macam ni (dunno pun where it is...hehehe)

Ah, Pirate! You also a kuih keria man, eh? Donuts are just nuts la...keria is king!

cakapaje said...

Wa'alaikumusalam Tehsin,

Hmm...susah den nak jawab soalan PR dan DSAI. Simply, den ni, small fry je. But insyAllah, I'll put my thoughts about it to this blog sometime later.

Sorkam, you don't know where? Isk isk isk. Google map je lah :)