Just because some fellow humans
find it cumbersome to stand for their fellow human
find it a futile effort to speak out against the tyranny and cruelty towards another
feel tired to make it to a gathering within Klang Valley
Why should I be angry?
I am not angry
I, am sad
I am sad that
there are those who feel
that any misfortune befalling their fellow human
wrongs committed, life massacred
of a child that barely know what happiness or justice is
of the tender soul of a pious woman
of the father to the child,
or the husband to the woman
these are all of little or no bearing to them
and all that concern them is of their immediate sphere
and nothing else
No, I am not angry
but look at the pictures below
and do try to arouse the compassion within
or at least,
pretend to
even that is better than not feeling anything at all
From: Abdul Razak Abu Bakar
Plzzzzz Keep forwarding this e-mail. Let people know what happens there. .
أرجوك استمر في تمرير هذه الرسالة، اجعل العالم يعرف ماذا يحدث هناك في فلسطين&nbs! p;
If you are not satisfied with the truth, the following pictures are war crimes as defined by the UN, The Hague and the Geneva Convention.
Using images of your enemy dead or alive (violation)
Human shields (violation)
Live Burial Torture (violation)
And as a last resort, Execution (violation)(click on image to enlarge)
These IDF soldiers have faces... I can clearly see them...Cant you? Why are they not being prosecuted? Because it is systematic process that is driven by the government designed to force the people of Palestine into exile so Is! rael can claim all the land and resources.
Note* The picture above is of an incident several years old. This, and many more incidences, are how life is for the Palestinians. Do we have the right to complain when we missed watching Akademi Fantasia or its like - cakapaje.
This where my American tax dollars are going, do you know where your tax dollars are at? TAKE THE TIME TO FIND THE TRUTH. So many lives depend on it. I, like so many Americans, am Caucasian, non-Arab, and religious. I can no longer sit back with good conscience and do nothing while my government is supporting the types of terrorist actions that we have condemned Muslim Fundamentalist for. Call your Congressman and Senator, send an email to the White House and demand that our government negotiate FAIRLY with both sides and bring a fair and just solution to Palestine and Israel .
salam sdra shah,
betapa kejamnya israel satu hal. tenteranya dilatih untuk sembelih dan membunuh tanpa peri kemanusiaan- satu hal. takda hati perut lagi pada diri mereka shah.
Salam CA, bolehkah saya berdoa supaya ada negara Islam lain yang berani bangkit dan menghantar askar untuk membalas serangan? Menyelamatkan saudara seislam kita? *sedih**geram*
Yes, Israel is so evil!
Just look at how they use mind control rays to force Hamas to use children and women as human shields.
Evil I say!
Wa'alaikumusalam AFRAR,
Mereka telah ditanamkan dengan kefahaman bahawa merekalah kaum yang agung dan kesemua kaum lain ibarat binatang, kerana itulah mereka bertindak sedemikian. Namun, dikalangan rakyat mereka sendiri telah ramai yang sedar akan kekejaman yang tentera mereka lakukan, dan semakin ramai yang membantah dan berani mencabar panggilan untuk bertugas sebagai tentera - refusnik, mereka digelarkan.
Wa'alaikumusalam Intan,
Hehe...macamlah den ni Ustaz pula ditanya soalan sebegitu :)
Intan, sewaktu Rasulullah s.a.w. dan umat Islam baru berhijrah dari Mekah ke Madinah, puak Quraish telah merampas segala harta peninggalan orang Islam. Kemudian, mereka menghantar Abu Sufian mengetuai rombongan niaga untuk menjual kesemua harta tersebut.
Apabila Rasulullah s.a.w. mendapat tahu akan kisah ini, maka baru itulah dikumpulkan pejuang Islam dengan bertujuan untuk merampas semula harta. Namun, kerana Abu Sufian menukar perjalanan rombongannya, maka terlepaslah rombongan itu dari ditawan tentera Islam.
Kesimpulannya, yang dimaksudkan 'balas serangan' itu, adakah untuk membalas dendam atau mempertahankan nyawa orang awam? Jika untuk membalas dendam, saya berpendapat ianya tidak boleh (merujuk kepada kisah Saidina Umar dan tawanan perang yang hampir dibunuhnya - kemudian hari saya cuba ceritakan). Tapi seandainya 'serangan balas' untuk mematikan serangan musuh supaya tidak mengancam nyawa orang awam, ianya boleh jatuh hukum wajib, wallahualam. Yang paling elok kita bertanyakan Ustaz Zainuddin (ada pada link saya).
I believe you have a twisted sense of logic. For one, you cannot differentiate between the aggressor and the defender (even among civilans). Another, is that you seem not to realise that the death toll suffered by the Palestinian were caused by arms and ammunition from the IOF, not Hamas.
Perhaps, you lack sufficient knowledge in history to even begin to understand the issues there. We do not have to go back far in time but prior to this attack on Gaza, the IOF launched an attack of similar scale in Lebanon where they were defeated by the comparatively ragtag army of Hizbollah.
And know what scotthong, just prior to invading Lebanon, the IOF Navy, attacked a beach where several families enjoying a picnic there were shot at. One whole family was killed including a 6year old girl.
For so long as you cannot comprehend the difference one who defend himself and one who is the aggressor, I see no point in engaging you any discourse.
Thank you.
Salam Brother Shah,
Just to share with you, a tribute to Gaza
There are plenty of these scotthongs around, who chose to blind themselves to what actually happens.
They can go to hell for all I care.
Eh ScottThong...I think your THONGS are squeezing your castrated penis stump too tight that's why you cannot think straight. After all, Allah mentioned you in the Quran "the deaf, dumb and blind" and 'whose hearts He has sealed"...
So you can never see the truth. Loosen the thongs k? The stump might get infected.
Sorry Shah,
tumpang lalu tembak curi...
Wa'alaikumusalam bro Zul,
Ni, bro Zul yang kelmarin suka komen tu ka? Kalau ya, lama tak dengar khabar, semoga sihat hendaknya.
About the song, syukran. InsyAllah, akan dimasukkan nanti.
Salam Cikgu,
True. But, I believe they already are...except they do not know it.
Wa'alaikumusalam Tehsin,
Tsk, tsk, tsk...such language from a well respected lady; I never. But then, I like it :)
Salam Shah,
The situation certainly looks very bad...and getting worse by the day.
reading the blogs and comments in them, many of us (including me) are getting 'war fatigue' and about to give up on the issue. We are ready to accept the situation, I reckon.
But we must not do that and most important, we must not forget this atrocity, ever.
The laknat didn't forget the holocaust (it should be spelt with lower case 'H' -- this word is not exclusive to them) in WW2, and neither should we forget this holocaust being visited on the Gazans.
Salam kerpie,
Bro, as far as the US and its master, israel, is concerned, the UN is just a serf to them.
Oh cap'n,
About the war fatigue, I think many of us are already. This is especially true for people like Mercy, JIM, (some) Unit AMAL, a few other organisations, and several individuals who have been active in relaying the message across. Yet, we still live in relatively high comfort. If only the mass realise this.
Betul Bro Shah,
Singgah selalu...jarang komen sebab komen-komen yang kawan-kawan lain bagi dah cukup power.
May Allah bless us all. May Allah send the 'Ababil' to help the palestinians. Amin.
salam abg shah.
saya sebenarnya habis hujah kalau rakan bertanya rasional hamas membuat serangan.
tapi selepas mendengar dr farish dalam forum. sya yakin.
katanya, israel itu penceroboh. jadi salahkah hamas untuk menghalau penceroboh. tak kisahlah kalau peluru hamas ni tak efektif mana pun, tapi tetap tak boleh jadi rasional untuk israel balas serangan sebab itu rumah palestin dan israel cuma menumpang!
Wa'alaikumusalam Alina,
Betul kata Farish. Nanti Alina tengok pula video George Galloway samada di blog ini atau blog News saya ye.
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