Sunday, August 12, 2007

webtv8 Hacked!

That's right. I had a shock when I tried to view it earlier this evening. Instead of the usual stuff, what appeared was (and still is):

Hacked By SheKkoLik & Desperad0 & SacredBoy & JacKaL & TeamTurks & DarkturK & KostebeK aL C.A.T Users.. *** Capraz Ates Team *** Turkish Islamic Security Team !

If you've read the line, you'd noticed it that the hackers claims to be from some Turkish Islamic Security Team! Bull!

For one, webtv8 had so far from my association with them, never broadcasted anything non-Islamic. And as far as my mind serves me correctly, we never covered any story within or about Turkey. Thus, why the heck, the mind does wonder, would an Islamic group claiming to be from Turkey would want to hack us? The answer is simple: The hackers are not an Islamic group nor are they from Turkey.

Then who, some query minds asked? Well, I would not speculate who, but it does seem that webtv8 has instilled some small fear within the minds of the ruling party. But I would not point my finger there just yet. In time, we will know, insyAllah.

In the meantime, for those who wants to watch webtv8, you still can do so by visiting this link . Happy viewing.

ps. by the way, webtv8 is the only tv channel listed in this worldwide site. There use to be several more namely RTM1 & 2. But they were taken off the list as they received no viewers. Not bad eh, for a group of amatuers. Alhamdulillah, I must add.

1 comment:

Anonymous said... my is the köstebek ok add plss :D :D